Spicy Pomegranate Brussel Sprouts with Sweet Caramelised Onions

I have a thing for veggies going rogue…. I guess when you live in the UK and the classic way to cook your veg is to steam, boil or give them a basic roast, anything that is slightly different is totally rogue right?!

I am a massive Brussel Sprouts enthusiast, and I am always desperately trying to get everyone around me to love them. Like I don’t understand why you can’t love them! Baby cabbages right? So I made these at Christmas and they ended up being a total hit with the family, and since then, they never complain at a Sunday lunch! I hope you to can enjoy these Spicy, Pomegranate Brussel Sprouts with Sweet Caramelised Onions!

Spicy Pomegranate Brussel Sprouts with Sweet Caramelised Onions

These sprouts consist of a little grilling, unless you have a blow torch, then you can have fun like me and go wild with the charring! Depending how you like your sprouts, you can parr boil them before or just steam them in your frying pan which will make them slightly al dente, but I LOVE them that way!

Also this is totally not just a ‘Christmas Dish’, since my personal trainer has been on my case about eating greens everyday, yes EVERYDAY! I have been buying bags of frozen veg to save the hassle of things going bad and to avoid all the dreaded cutting and peeling, and it really is the most genius move I made this year. So you can totally enjoy this, anytime.


  • 250g Brussel Sprouts (Cut in half)

  • 2 TBSP Pomegranate Molasses

  • 100g Feta Cheese

  • 1 Preserved Lemon (Cut into small pieces)

  • 1 Fresh Lemon

  • 1 TBSP Chilli Flakes

  • 1 Onion (Thin Slices)

  • 2 TBSP Brown Sugar

  • 3 Garlic Cloves (Smashed, and chopped small)

  • Olive Oil

  • Salt

  • Half a Pomegranate

  • 100g Feta Cheese


  1. In a saucepan of water, parr boil your sprouts for about 5-10minutes depending how you like them. I do mine for about 5.

  2. In the mean time, heat a large frying pan with some oil to cover the base, and add in the garlic. Heat on a medium-low temperature to allow the garlic to infuse the oil but not burn.

  3. Once the sprouts are ready, drain the excess water, then add them to the frying pan with the oil and garlic.

  4. Add the pomegranate molasses, half the feta cheese, about a teaspoon of salt and preserved lemon pieces. Combine well and then place the lid on top and keep it at a low heat and allow the sprouts to sweat for about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  5. In a separate pan, add a dash of oil along with the brown sugar and onions and sauté till the sugar has melted and onions begin to brown.

  6. Once the onions are ready, combine this mixture with the sprouts, mix it all in well and then squeeze half to one lemon over it.

  7. Give it one last mix and remove from the heat.

  8. Place the frying pan under your grill on a high temperature and leave to char for about 10 minutes, this is totally optional but the charred, smokey crunchy affect it gives the sprouts is THE BESTTTT! If you have a blow torch you can cut this step out and simply torch the sprouts, which is way more fun.

  9. Serve with fresh pomegranates, the remaining feta cheese and some pumpkin seeds for that added crunch!